

Section A
Direction: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

News Report 1
Police have reported a man being bitten by a 4-foot snake when he lifted his toilet seat on Sunday morning. The snake was not poisonous, so the man did not have to go to the hospital, but his arm was medically treated at the scene.
The police officer interviewed told news reporters the snake didn’t belong to the man, and it was unclear how it got into the apartment. The snake was eventually captured by the local animal handlers and taken to an animal hospital afterward. It was being treated for an outer skin infection. It was unclear who the owner was. The snake may be taken to a local zoo for care if the owner does not come forward.
Over the years, other creatures like frogs and fish have found their way into toilets. But this was the first instance of a snake in recent years.
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.
Question 1: What do we learn from the police report?
Question 2: What does the report say was still unclear?

A) A man was bitten by a snake.
B) A man was taken to a hospital.
C) A man kept a 4-foot snake as a pet.
D) A man fell off his toilet seat.

A) Where the snake had been taken.
B) Whether the snake was infected.
C) How the snake was captured.
D) Who owned the snake.

News Report 2
Every week since last April, Andrea Belcher has been doing something slightly unusual and amusing when she takes out her trash.
It all started off when a movie star shared a photo of herself putting her trash bins out in a ball gown. This inspired Andrea to get dressed up to take out the trash.
She was too embarrassed to do it during the day. So one dark evening, she put on her black off-the-shoulder gown and put her trash bin out. Her daughter filmed it and the whole family laughed, but it seemed to go down well.
The following weeks she found other outfits in her dressing-up box, and dressed up as different characters and famous people, sharing her exploits on social media. Before long, people started offering up their own fancy dresses for her to wear. And before she knew it, she had done 20 weeks.
Explaining why she has kept up the videos, Andrea explained how nice it was to have a little bit of fun and craziness that made people smile. Besides, it also helps to remind people in the community to put out their trash bins each week.
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
Question 3: What has Andrea Belcher been doing since last April?
Question 4: Why has Andrea Belcher kept up her videos?

A) Taking her trash out in fancy dresses.
B) Amusing herself by going to ball parties.
C) Sharing her photos with famous movie stars.
D) Posting her daughter’s photos on social media.

A) To make herself popular.
B) To amuse people.
C) To please her daughter.
D) To record her achievements.

News Report 3
No money but still hungry? No problem. Welcome to Frank’s restaurant where customers are paying for meals and leaving receipts on a board. Anyone who is hungry and wants something to eat can take one, no questions asked and hand it to staff for some food.
The idea for the board of free meals started after a donor came in with $100 for each member of its staff. After two staffers returned their share, there was $700 leftover, according to Tarah Morris, the owner of the restaurant. So they decided to do something more by creating the board.
The board of free meals inside the restaurant shows a host of potential meals already paid for by customers, each costing about $10. The board has messages of kindness like, “If you want more kindness in the world, put it here.”
The drive has been going on for two weeks and Morris said just under 50 customers have picked up a free meal. There have been no reports of anyone taking advantage of the situation. In fact, there are a lot more people giving tickets than receiving. It seems people want to help and are driven by helping others.
Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.
Question 5: What can people do at Frank’s restaurant?
Question 6: What does the owner of the restaurant say about the idea for the board of free meals?
Question 7: What has happened at Frank’s restaurant since the board of free meals was created?

A) Eat as much as they want for $10.
B) Have a chance of winning a $100 prize.
C) Have a meal even if they have no money.
D) Get a free meal after answering some questions.

A) It was brought up by two staffers.
B) It helped to popularize her restaurant.
C) It originated from a donation to her staff.
D) It was suggested by some of her customers.

A) Fifty customers have offered donations.
B) More people have been giving than taking.
C) Many people have come to eat at the restaurant.
D) Most staffers have received messages of kindness.

Section B
Direction: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Conversation 1
W: Welcome to our program, Friends and Relationships. Our guest today is psychologist Steve Pinker from McGill University.
M: Glad to be here, Jane.
W: Hi Steve. Our question today is why friends suddenly disappear. They may block us on their social media accounts and stop responding to our emails. They simply vanish without a trace.
M: The answer may lie in childhood the way the person related to their mum and dad. It’s related to their attachment styles.
W: Attachment styles?
M: Yeah. There are two different attachment styles: an anxious attachment style and an avoidant attachment style. When there is a relationship breakdown with their parents, children with an anxious attachment style scream and cry to get their parents to come back. But other children simply shut down and try to deal with their emotions by ignoring the situation. And these attachment styles carry on into adulthood.
W: Does avoidance reduce their stress levels?
M: Not really. Their stress levels are actually the same as those experienced by the children who yell and scream.
W: And I assume both might be turned insecure.
W: Exactly. And it’s a very insecure attachment.
W: How does an insecure attachment affect relationships between friends, co-workers, and romantic relationships?
M: It’s the same as conflicts. So, if you have a disagreement with a securely attached person, they’re not going to panic. They’re able to hear what the other person is saying and express their own feelings and thoughts effectively. However, an insecurely attached person won’t. They might either attack you, get defensive, or just disappear from your life. To them, a difference, no matter how small in your eyes, signals the end of the relationship.
W: That explains why they suddenly disappear.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 8: What do we learn about the man?
Question 9: What are the speakers mainly talking about?
Question 10: How do children with an anxious attachment style react to a breakdown in their relationship with parents?
Question 11: What does the man say about insecurely attached people?

A) He is a psychologist.
B) He is a famous writer.
C) He is a host for a TV program.
D) He is a primary school teacher.

A) Why social media accounts vanish without a trace.
B) Why parents raise their children in different ways.
C) Why people fail to respond to emails promptly.
D) Why friends break off contact all of a sudden.

A) They simply shut themselves down.
B) They avoid showing their emotions.
C) They scream to get their parents back.
D) They attempt to ignore the whole situation.

A) They may regard any difference as the end of a relationship.
B) They are on better terms with friends and romantic partners.
C) They try to express their feelings and thoughts effectively.
D) They attach more value to their relationships with others.

Conversation 2
M: I hear you’re going to Japan soon.
W: Yes, that’s right.
W: Could I ask you a favor?
W: Sure. What is it?
M: I was wondering if you could get me some jeans while you’re there. I’ll pay you back, of course.
W: A pair of jeans? Okay. I don’t see why not, but what’s wrong with jeans here?
M: Well, I just love good jeans and Japan happens to make the best in the world. My friend brought me a pair from there five years ago, and they still look new.
W: Really? I had no idea Japan made jeans. I would have thought America made the best jeans because it’s a typical American garment.
M: Yeah, I thought so too. But it tums out Japan still has some very old mills with the traditional weaving tools used to make jeans the original way. It’s a slower process of making clothing. But the end result is surely superior. Also, the fabric they use is of a higher quality and the dyes are natural. They have a denser weave and are more durable than any other genes in the world.
W: That sounds cool. What size do you want and how much are they?
M: I have a 34 waist and size 30 or 32 in length. Either is fine. They should be around $500. But make double certain they are made in Japan.
W: $500? Boy, that’s expensive. Do you typically spend that much on a pair of casual trousers?
M: They are a little pricey, yes. But they are very special. Bear in mind they will last me several years and they are very fashionable too. I think they’re totally worth it.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 12: What makes the man choose to buy jeans made in Japan?
Question 13: Why is the woman puzzled by the man’s request?
Question 14: What does the man say about the dyes of Japanese jeans?
Question 15: What does the man say about Japanese jeans at the end of the conversation?

A) Their price.
B) Their color.
C) Their quality.
D) Their design.

A) Jeans are a typical American garment.
B) America makes the best-known brands of jeans.
C) America has the best weaving tools in the world.
D) Jeans are available in a greater variety in America.

A) They are artificial.
B) They are natural.
C) They are unique.
D) They are special.

A) They are for casual wearing.
B) They are popular with boys.
C) They are much too pricey.
D) They are worth the price.

Section C
Direction: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Passage 1
Every time I walk out of a superhero movie, I feel the same way. I experience a sense of longing, realizing that there should be more in life. The desire for adventure is a human one. Superhero films capture this desire perfectly.
The plot of each superhero film has become relatively predictable. The world is in peril. The world needs a hero. The hero is in peril. The hero resolves the peril. The hero saves the world. Each film has an attractive lead, several expensive explosions, a few jokes to lighten the mood, and numerous punches that land unrealistically well. Even though we basically know what will happen, we keep coming back for more.
The elites of our society have rejected superhero films. They say the films lack any form of artistry. These movies are criticized as being too simple, but they give the fans what they want – entertainment.
No matter the form in which they reveal themselves, hero stories will always be present in life. It’s not just about being entertained, but also being inspired. One author has mentioned that women desire to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure. Most young women want to be a part of something grand, something important. It seems clear that this principle applies to men, as well. So next time you see your favorite superhero film, be entertained, but also be inspired. Let that small longing you feel motivates you to make a difference.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 16: How does the speaker feel every time he walks out of a superhero movie?
Question 17: What does the passage say about the plot of all superhero movies?
Question 18: What do the elites of American society think of superhero movies?

A) He desires more in life.
B) He wants to see it again.
C) He feels as inspired as other audience members.
D) He longs to become a superstar himself.

A) It is rather unrealistic.
B) It is extremely artistic.
C) It is somewhat complicated.
D) It is relatively predictable.

A) They are biased against women.
B) They are basically misleading.
C) They are full of shootings.
D) They are too simple.

Passage 2
Telling stories is one of the most powerful means leaders have to influence, teach and inspire. Storytelling forges connections among people. When it comes to our countries, our communities, and our families, we understand instinctively that the stories we hold in common are an important part of the ties that bind.
This understanding also holds true in the business world, where an organization’s stories, and the stories its leaders tell, helps solidify relationships in a way that factual statements don’t.
Good stories do more than create a sense of connection. They build familiarity and trust. They allow the listener to enter the story, making them more open to learning. Good stories can contain multiple meanings so they’re surprisingly economical in conveying complex ideas in graspable ways. And stories are more engaging than the recital of data points or a discussion of abstract ideas.
Stories about professional mistakes and what leaders learned from them are another great avenue for learning. Because people identify so closely with stories, they can imagine how they would have acted in similar circumstances. They’re able to work through situations in a way that’s risk-free.
There are extra benefits for leaders. With a simple personal story, they can convey fundamental values. They can offer insight into the evolution of their own experience and knowledge, presenting themselves as more approachable. And then they are more likely to inspire others to want to know more.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 19: What does the passage say about storytelling?
Question 20: What can good stories do to listeners according to the passage?
Question 21: What can leaders do with a simple personal story?

A) It can highlight leadership.
B) It can help connect people.
C) It is a means to inspire creative thinking.
D) It is an intuitive way to solidify friendship.

A) Allow them to recite data points.
B) Make them more open to learning.
C) Enable them to remember the main idea.
D) Stimulate them to engage in discussions.

A) Inspire listeners’ imagination.
B) Enrich their own experience.
C) Convey fundamental values.
D) Explain insightful ideas.

Passage 3
The U.S. was founded by successive waves of immigrants, and immigrants are still contributing to America today – statistics prove it. On two key measures of financial performance, immigrants outperform native-born Americans.
First, they’re more likely to be entrepreneurs. From 1996 to 2016, the pace at which immigrants started businesses was double that of U.S.-born individuals. Immigrants aren’t just becoming entrepreneurs more frequently. They are often succeeding. Over 40% of Fortune 500 companies had a founder who was either an immigrant or the child of one.
Another key measure of financial strength is debt level. Immigrants do better in this area too. Immigrants use credit less often for purchasing cars, homes, or starting businesses. This results in significantly lower levels of debt than native-born Americans. For example, 34% of Americans born in Latin America report no credit card or installment loan debt. This can be compared to just 19% of the general population.
Why are immigrants doing so well? The values and habits they bring from their own homelands help explain some of the success.
Unemployment tends to be higher in developing countries. That means more people must become entrepreneurs. Credit is also scarcer in most developing countries. This means individuals must save more in order to achieve their goals, or they borrow money from friends and family rather than a bank. That means less debt and potentially better credit outcomes when they reach the U.S.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 22: What does the passage say statistics prove?
Question 23: What do we learn about immigrants in the U.S., compared with native-born Americans?
Question 24: What does the passage say about immigrants in the U.S. in terms of financial strength?
Question 25: What do immigrants do to achieve their goals in the U.S.?

A) Immigrants outnumber U.S.-born Americans.
B) Immigrants have been contributing to the U.S.
C) Another wave of immigrants is hitting the U.S.
D) The number of immigrants to the U.S. is declining.

A) More of them expect their children to succeed in business.
B) They have fewer chances to be hired by U.S. companies.
C) They have founded most Fortune 500 companies.
D) More of them are successful business people.

A) They have higher installment loan debt than native-born Americans.
B) Nineteen percent of them borrow money from friends and family.
C) Their level of debt is lower than that of native-born Americans.
D) Thirty-four percent of them use credit for their daily purchases.

A) Keep their traditional values and old habits.
B) Find employment in competitive businesses.
C) Borrow money from financial institutions.
D) Collaborate with native-born Americans.



Section A
Direction: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

News Report 1
A woman was charged with allegedly violating a Rhode Island city law against feeding wild animals. The 55-year-old woman’s neighbors blame her for making the area’s rat problem worse.
Newly installed cameras captured several rats active in the middle of the day. Neighbors say that it’s even worse during the night. The woman and her parents, who owned the home, told reporters that she’s being charged for feeding birds.
“Who would have known just loving animals gets you that much trouble,” she said.
It is prohibited to feed any wild animals including birds in Rhode Island city. Nevertheless, while the woman’s intention was to feed birds, it is clear that rats were also benefiting.
Anthony Moretti, director of the city administration, said he saw more than 20 rats near the woman’s home. He said it will take months to get the problem under control.
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.
Qugstion 1: What do we learn from the report about the 55-year-old woman?
Question 2: What did the director of the city administration say at the end of the news report?

A) She was involved in a conflict with bird lovers.
B) She was charged with mistreating animals.
C) She was on bad terms with her neighbors.
D) She was accused of violating a city law.

A) It will take time to solve the rat problem.
B) All wild animals should be well protected.
C) The woman was not to blame for the situation.
D) No one should go unpunished for violating law.

News Report 2
To prepare for eventually sending astronauts to Mars, NASA began taking applications Friday for four people to live for a year in Mars Dune Alpha. That’s a 1,700-square-foot Martian habitat inside a building in Houston. The paid volunteers will work in an environment similar to Mars. They will have limited communications with family, restricted food and resources. NASA is planning three experiments with the first one starting in the fall next year. Food will all be ready-to-eat space food. Some plants will be grown, but not potatoes like in the movie “The Martian”.
“We want to understand how humans perform in them,” said lead scientists Grace Douglas. “We are looking at Mars realistic situations.”
The application process opened Friday and they’re not seeking just anybody. The requirements are strict, including a master’s degree in a science, engineering or math field or pilot experience. Only American citizens or permanent U.S. residents are acceptable. Applicants must be between 30 and 55 and in good physical health.
Attitude is key, said former Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. He said the participants need to be super competent, resourceful, and not relying on other people to feel comfortable.
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
Question 3: What does NASA require the paid volunteers to do?
Question 4: What will the participants in the project eat?

A) Communicate with astronauts in Mars Dune Alpha.
B) Work in an environment resembling Mars.
C) Build a Martian habitat in Houston.
D) Send in applications before Friday.

A) Ready-made food.
B) Food that is organic.
C) Food they grow.
D) Potatoes mostly.

News Report 3
A Japanese mayor apologized Thursday for biting the Olympic gold medal of a softball player. Nagoya mayor Takashi Kawamura had praised athlete Miu Goto during a public media event. He asked her to put the medal around his neck. Kawamura then bit into it. Biting a medal in front of journalists and photographers has become a common pose for Olympic medalists. However, it is only for the winners themselves, not others.
“I’m really sorry that I hurt the treasure of the gold medalist,” Kawamura told reporters Thursday. The mayor said the medal was undamaged, though he offered to pay for the cost of a new one. Goto, however, has accepted the International Olympic Committee’s offer of a replacement, according to Japanese media reports.
The scene broadcast on television prompted thousands of complaints to city hall. Some Olympians said they treat their medals as treasures and that it was disrespectful and unacceptable for Kawamura to bite one.
“I would cry if that happened to me,” said another athlete, Naohisa Takato. “I handle my own gold medal so gently that I would not scratch it.”
Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.
Question 5: What does the news report say about the Japanese mayor Takashi Kawamura?
Question 6: What did Mayor Takashi Kawamura offer to do?
Question 7: What did some Olympians say they would do with their medals?

A) He apologized for scratching an athlete’s gold medal.
B) He was asked to present a gold medal to Miu Goto.
C) He bit a softball player’s Olympic gold medal.
D) He attracted public attention at a media event.

A) Have another picture taken with the Olympic medalist.
B) Apologize to the International Olympic Committee.
C) Get the damaged medal repaired.
D) Pay for the cost of a new medal.

A) Allow no one to touch them.
B) See them as symbols of honor.
C) Treat them as treasures.
D) Keep them in a safe place.

Section B
Direction: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Conversation 1
M: What’s that orange thing on your computer screen?
W: It’s something I bought yesterday. It’s a plastic sheet that blocks blue light. I have one that I use to cover my phone screen too.
M: What do you mean by blue light?
W: Blue light includes natural light, but it also includes light that isn’t natural. For example, from computers, phones, televisions, and other electronic devices.
M: So, blue light is harmful and that’s why you want to block it?
W: It isn’t that simple. Blue light isn’t necessarily bad for us. In fact, we need blue light during the day to be healthy, but too much blue light, especially from electronic devices, can harm our health by weakening our vision and making it harder for us to fall asleep. And poor sleep can cause all sorts of health problems.
M: I’m not so sure that sleep is nearly as important as people always say it is. I haven’t slept enough in months because I have too much work to do and I feel fine, and it’s the same for most of my friends. Poor sleep might be a problem for old people, but surely young people can handle late nights.
W: Well, the research I’ve read shows that sleep is probably even more important than we thought, and that not having enough sleep can contribute to serious health problems like obesity and heart disease. And all the artificial blue light from electronic devices means we have to try harder to sleep well.
M: Maybe you’re right. I’m on my computer very late most nights, and that’s probably why I don’t sleep enough.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 8: What did the woman do to her computer?
Question 9: What does the woman say about blue light?
Question 10: Why does the man say he hasn’t slept enough for months?
Question 11: What has the woman learned from the research she has read?

A) She covered its screen with a plastic sheet.
B) She connected it with her smart phone.
C) She decorated it with colorful stickers.
D) She bought some new software for it.

A) It may not be simply blue.
B) It includes unnatural light.
C) It is more harmful to young people.
D) It induces people to fall asleep.

A) He has had much trouble falling asleep.
B) He has had some sort of health problems.
C) He has stayed up playing computer games.
D) He has been burdened with excessive work.

A) Exposure to blue light is the chief cause of obesity.
B) Sleep may be more important than people assumed.
C) Sleep may also be negatively affected by natural light.
D) Overuse of electronic devices may cause heart disease.

Conversation 2
W: As a kid did you know what job you wanted to do when you grew up?
M: No, I didn’t. And I got sick every time adults asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
W: It’s the same with me. And I’m tired of people asking that question of my 10-year-old daughter. My daughter’s stock answers are basketball player, pop singer, mechanical engineer. Adults love that last one as it’s the perfect mix of the sensible and the ambitious. When she was much younger, my daughter used to say she wanted to be queen of the clouds, which I loved. That’s the kind of goal setting I like to see in children, springing from their boundless imaginations.
M: Yes, we grown-ups can be tedious and limiting in our need for reality. And we teach a very gloomy image of adulthood that whatever our children’s future holds, it must be seen within the context of a job.
W: How utterly overwhelming and dull!
M: When people ask my son what he wants to be when he grows up, I have to swallow the urge to say, “Hey, back off my kid’s dreams.”
W: We can’t dismiss the idea that teenagers have to plan to do something after they finish school, and parents are entitled to hope it’s more than simply spending 10 hours a day playing computer games.
M: But asking, “What do you want to be?” isn’t going to lead a child to a fulfilled life, rather, leads to false expectations and a high chance of disappointment.
W: Exactly. We should be helping our kids understand who they are, even if that means letting go of who we think they should be.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 12: What question were both speakers fed up with when they were kids?
Question 13: What occupation do adults see as both sensible and ambitious according to the woman?
Question 14: What kind of goal setting does the woman like to see in children?
Question 15: What does the woman suggest adults should do?

A) What they wanted to be when grown up.
B) What their favorite cartoon character was.
C) What they learned from computer games.
D) What they liked to do most after school.

A) A stock broker.
B) A pop singer.
C) A mechanical engineer.
D) A basketball player.

A) Ambitious.
B) Sensible.
C) Imaginative.
D) Practical.

A) Relax their strict control of their kids.
B) Help their kids understand themselves.
C) Impose their own dreams on their kids.
D) Dismiss their high expectations of their kids.

Section C
Direction: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Passage 1
Greater Internet access correlates directly with improved healthcare, education and economic development. People living in rural areas, however, lag behind in online use, which limits their access to government services, banking, and job opportunities.
Nowhere is this challenge clearer than in Africa. Most Africans live in rural areas that are tough to wire for internet access.
Now, some phone companies are trying to introduce Internet-ready phones into African markets. Certain companies have started selling simple smartphones for only $20. Previously, the lowest price had been around $40, well out of reach for many people.
These devices are powered by software from the giant electronics company, KaiOS Technologies Limited. Most companies are trying to make phones ever more powerful and capable, but KaiOS went the other way. It made every effort to keep the essential capabilities of smartphones, but strip out costs and preserve battery life for people who likely have inadequate access to electricity.
The KaiOS devices offer an alternative to the more expensive models that remain out of reach to many Africans and contribute to the digital divide. The body of KaiOS phones is as basic as it gets. Instead of a touchscreen, they’re controlled with an old-school keypad. They’re designed for 3G networks because 4G coverage doesn’t reach two thirds of Africa’s customers. In total, KaiOS phones are made from about $15 worth of parts, while Apple’s top of the line iPhone has $390 worth of stuff.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 16: What are a number of phone companies trying to do in Africa?
Question 17: How do KaiOS smartphones differ from smartphones of most other companies?
Question 18: What are KaiOS smartphones equipped with?

A) Set up company branches.
B) Improve its infrastructure.
C) Introduce iPhones into its markets.
D) Promote Internet-ready phones.

A) They cater to Africans’ needs.
B) They are more expensive models.
C) They are more powerful and capable.
D) They boast the longest battery life.

A) A large touchscreen.
B) An old-school keypad.
C) A voice-response device.
D) A digitally-designed system.

Passage 2
For years, using recycled plastic to make plastic products was cheap. By contrast, fossil fuel plastic was more expensive. Thus, the sustainable option was an economic option too. But now it is cheaper for major manufacturers to use new plastic.
According to one recent business report, recycled plastic now costs an extra $72 a tonne compared with newly made plastic. This may be because of consumer demands. They are pushing for more recycled plastics in new products. Meanwhile, new plastic is becoming cheaper. This is because of a boom in petroleum chemical production from the U.S.
The price increase of recycled plastic could cost sustainable manufacturers an extra $250 million a year. Smaller manufacturers may also be forced to use new plastic to reduce costs. Makers of clear plastic bottles may also opt for new fossil-fuel based plastic to save money. Plastic packaging makers are being pressured to use more recycled plastic. This is done in hopes of reducing the enormous amount of plastic pollution in the oceans.
The UK government plans to tax companies which don’t use at least 30% recycled plastic in their products. Additionally, the government is planning to increase the quantity of recycled plastic in the market. This could mean incentives for new recycling plants. Additionally, recycling facilities may be improved at a local council level and recycled plastic could be imported. This would help increase the amount of recycled plastic in circulation.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 19: What is said about using recycled plastic to make plastic products in the past?
Question 20: What has led to a more competitive price for new plastic?
Question 21: What does the UK government plan to do about plastic?

A) It ensured sustainable economic growth.
B) It was strongly opposed by manufacturers.
C) It was cheaper than using fossil fuel plastic.
D) It satisfied consumer demands on the whole.

A) The capacity to mass produce it.
B) The U.S. federal government’s regulations.
C) A boom in market demand for clear plastic bottles.
D) A rapid increase in U.S. petroleum chemical production.

A) Require companies to use 30% of new plastic.
B) Increase the supply of new plastic in the market.
C) Reduce the amount of plastic pollution in local areas.
D) Take measures to promote the use of recycled plastic.

Passage 3
At the Dreamery, a business in Manhattan, naps are for sale. A 45-minute session in a darkened enclosure with peace and quiet costs $25. To be clear, this institution is no hotel. This is a nap joint. It sells the idea of the nap as much as the nap itself.
Is a nap worth $25? The answer is obviously yes. Here, at this point in the argument, it’s traditional for me to bring up all the studies that show the benefits of napping. But do you really need experts to tell you that? Just look at the world around you at 2:30 in the afternoon.
I’ve been working from home for more than 10 years now. And the quality and quantity of work I can do emerges directly from my ability to concentrate. I don’t understand how people have creative careers without napping. Every day at about 1 p.m., everyone faces the same choice: sleep until 2 p.m. and then work until 5 or daydream and drift around social media and attend pointless meetings until 7 p.m.
The friends I have who still work in offices inform me that bosses insist they take the second option and that napping is associated with laziness. I genuinely find it odd, for if you nap properly, it’s like waking up from a full night’s sleep and you can double your day’s worth of concentration.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 22: What do we learn about the Dreamery, a business in Manhattan?
Question 23: Why does the speaker ask us to look at the world around us at 2:30 in the afternoon?
Question 24: What do we learn about the quantity and quality of the speaker’s work?
Question 25: What does the speaker say he finds odd?

A) It studies dreams.
B) It rents a place for nap-takers.
C) It is a hotel for business people.
D) It is a nap research institute.

A) To find out creative people’s work performance.
B) To see how many people can go without napping.
C) To understand the obvious importance of napping.
D) To feel how difficult it is to get his idea across.

A) They decline due to pointless meetings.
B) They depend on his ability to concentrate.
C) They enable him to enjoy a creative career.
D) They are affected by the overuse of social media.

A) Some bosses associate napping with laziness.
B) Many office workers nap during work hours.
C) Some bosses can concentrate without napping.
D) Many of his friends daydream in the office.

























