纯css多级下拉菜单 可以遮住表单 支持IE6
外国人写的纯css多级下拉菜单,可以遮住表单,支持IE5.5, IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari(PC), Opera and Google Chrome …
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label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> <select name="choice2"> <option selected="selected" label="none" value="none">none</option> <optgroup label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> <select name="choice3"> <option selected="selected" label="none" value="none">none</option> <optgroup label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> <select name="choice4"> <option selected="selected" label="none" value="none">none</option> <optgroup label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> <br /><br /><br /> <select name="choice5"> <option selected="selected" label="none" value="none">none</option> <optgroup label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> <select name="choice6"> <option selected="selected" label="none" value="none">none</option> <optgroup label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> <select name="choice7"> <option selected="selected" label="none" value="none">none</option> <optgroup label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> <select name="choice8"> <option selected="selected" label="none" value="none">none</option> <optgroup label="Group 1"> <option label="cg1a" value="val_1a">Selection group 1a</option> <option label="cg1b" value="val_1b">Selection group 1b</option> <option label="cg1c" value="val_1c">Selection group 1c</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 2"> <option label="cg2a" value="val_2a">Selection group 2a</option> <option label="cg2b" value="val_2a">Selection group 2b</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label="Group 3"> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3a</option> <option label="cg3a" value="val_3a">Selection group 3b</option> </optgroup> </select> </fieldset> <p> <input id="button1" type="submit" value="Send" /> <input id="button2" type="reset" value="Reset" /> </p> </form> </div> <div id="leftCol"> <h3>Information</h3> <p>Using the latest techniques for variable width dropdown/flyout menus in which the widths are set by the link text, this menu adds a fix for the IE6 select box bug so that the menu drops over the select boxes.</p> <p>Again this uses CSS expressions to add the iframes and style them to fit.</p> <p>To make the page validate I have moved the IE6 expression styling into a separate stylesheet, but this can be all in one if you are not worried about validation.</p> <p>Tested in IE5.5, IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari(PC), Opera and Google Chrome.</p> 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